<![CDATA[Awaken Unity's e-Temple - AUM Blog]]>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 19:14:35 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[The Worst Horse! Poof!]]>Thu, 03 Jun 2010 02:20:23 GMThttp://awakenunity.com/aum-blog/the-worst-horse-poofPicture
On Thursday of last week (5-27), while I was doing some personal growth work, I was guided to read a page from Pema Chödrön’s book The Wisdom of No Escape. Pema told of the Buddha’s discourse about four kinds of horses: the excellent horse, the good horse, the poor horse, and the worst horse. The story explains that the excellent horse will move at even the slightest gesture to crack the whip, and the good horse moves upon light contact. The poor horse requires pain from the whip before moving, while the worst horse will not “budge until the pain penetrates to the marrow of its bones,” (p.8). I sat wondering why I was reading this and how it applied to my life. A major revelation arose – I WANT TO BE THE WORST HORSE!! In fact, this is what I most aspire to be!

It is my desire to live an authentic life, as free from external mandates for behavior as possible in any given moment. I choose to reclaim my consciousness from the collective dream-story, to be a FREE-MOVING being. I take direction from external mandates ONLY if I know, ‘down to the marrow of my bones’, that such movement is right, true, and good for me; I ‘budge’ only if it is aligned with my authentic impulses and innate wisdom to do so. It is my desire to discover, in the stillness, the Divine wisdom that we all have the capacity to access, to take the time to orient to my internal compass and find my genuine impetus for action/non-action.

Later that day, after working on setting up the on-line AUM Client Resource center, I took a break to visit with my brother. When he entered the loft where I had been working, he was singing a song about a Horse! He sang, “look at my horse, my horse is amazing!” How ironic, I thought…little did I know. Then, he sat down at my computer to show me a You-Tube video. He started the video and a man came onto the screen. The man said, “Are you an intelligent, FREE-THINKING being?” And then POOF!, my computer made a popping noise, went completely black and started smoking!!! This question literally blew my computer’s mother-board – wow. Needless to say, I was stunned.

After taking some time to come to terms with my computer (that was lovingly named Lumenaria’s Spiritual Technology Machine) being dead, I decided to tune in and understand this VERY LOUD message more fully. My soul spoke to me:
“It is no more the time for you to conform to the external molds, means, paths, ideals, ways of being/doing. It is now for you to carve your unique path and way without conformity to those energies you know are not in harmony or are of a lower vibration that you are here to inhabit. It is time for you to take full charge of your thought-forms, of your hard-drive and mother-board and forge your truth. For now, focus on your bio-computer, on reclaiming your consciousness fully and completely from the collective hard-drive – ‘be an intelligent free thinking being’. Few exist. You now have the capacity to live this way. You are FREE! You are the WORST HORSE!

Let us all aspire to be the WORST HORSE we can be!

Yours in the Fullness of Love,


I was sharing the concept of being the worst horse to someone today (after our conversation from the weekend), but it was hard for me to explain how beautiful and right on it is to be the worst horse. In some ways it would seem counter-intuitive, but as I continue on my life journey I can see that this is an excellent metaphor for the guidance I want and need in my life. If I can find the courage, wisdom, light to be the worst horse, I think I will find so much fulfillment with whatever it is I am doing...
Posted by Erica, 4:10 hours later

Perfect timing, as usual!
I've been struggling to conform and find the path that I'm supposed to follow instead of the ultimate path of divine guidance, my internal wisdom. This has left me empty and lost which is not my natural state of being. Your work helps me tremendously and reminds me of my path.
Thanks for experiencing this lesson for all of us to learn.
Posted by Nancy, 14:26 hours later

Thanks for your comments Erica and Nancy! I feel truly blessed when my path serves to awaken and support others :). BTW, I am writing this from my NEW computer - I mean my New Spiritual Technology Machine!!!
Posted by Lumenaria Goyer, 2 days later

Wonderful Wonderful!

This post resonates in a visceral way. Thank you for being willing and moving forward with that choice to be the 'worst horse' and for sharing the metaphor.

I look forward to reading more in your blog space!

Very Warmly,
Posted by Patrina, 2 days later

WOW!!! At first (being a rancher) I had to question your soundness of mind, a great horse is so vauable as a beast of burden. I have lived my life as a great horse. Easily turned and directed, moving and existing to please a master i.e parents, teachers, friends, husband, kids, boss...etc. What a concept to be immune to the directions of those near me. To no longer be the burden but the "beast". A beast is strong, instinctual, driven by its own mind. Thank you for being a "BEAST" and showing me (always) that I need to look at and experience things from different directions. I want to be the worst horse :)
Posted by Denise, 14 days later

<![CDATA[Only One...]]>Sun, 02 May 2010 02:19:41 GMThttp://awakenunity.com/aum-blog/only-onePicture
In the forest, communing, a magnificent, moss-covered oak tree calls to me. Love is revealed, bliss is felt, and wisdom pours forth…

It is all one – you are a singular expression connected to ALL, expressed through all, reaching to infinity. Just as branches and roots move in all directions creating beauty and support, all paths ultimately support you and beautify the all. We are one: Earth, womb, tree, sky, bug, plant, bird, cosmos. You express your Divinity through your connections – OPEN, CONNECT, BE ONE! The two are the one – different forms, leading to the same wholeness via distinct, but intimately connected pathways. You are your love, opened and expressed…breaking open to be expressed. Dance, move, create art, love, make love, play, UNFOLD, UNFOLD, UNFOLD!

Today is Beltane - celebrate, enjoy nature, connect, MAKE LOVE!



Reading this made me want to stick my chest out, press my heart open and sing!
Posted by Alison, 16:07 hours later

What a place our world would be if we all did so!! Love and More Love:)
Posted by Lumenaria, 1 day later

You speak the truth eloquently; inviting CONSCIOUSNESS down, into this earth, into my body.
Thank you beloved friend.
Posted by Raven Nalika Rose, 2 days later

Aah! To experience this everyday would be like living in Heaven!
Posted by Nancy, 2 days later
