Blessed Life! - Spiritual Living Retreats with Lumenaria and Mary Next Day-Long Retreat - Saturday, August 24th, 2019
9:30am-5:30pm Magic happens when people gather with the intent to embrace the Sacredness of Life - Divine Grace POURS forth! Blessed Life! spiritual living retreats are designed to gather like-minded people to explore and process the mysteries of life. Poignant topics are introduced to spur members into meaning-filled conversations that lead to expansions in perspectives, internal resources, ways of being in the world, and capacities for living love, joy, and peace. Effective methods for transforming self-minimizing behaviors and out-dated thoughts or emotional patterns are offered to enhance personal freedom and soul-directed living. Esoteric spiritual teachings are brought into pragmatic approaches for living, where teachings and skill development enhance and promote further awakening and liberation. Deep support and potency comes in engaging the principle 'when two or more are gathered'; potential is amplified! CLICK here for more details! Pendulum Testing 101:
Access Your Deepest Wisdom ![]() Six-Week Online Course...Coming to You!
Awaken Unity has developed an AMAZING methodology, based in applied kinesiology, for guiding your life choices, identifying therapeutic issues, accessing spiritual guidance, and finding effective support and treatments... If you're ready to learn how to access and integrate wisdom from the whole of your body-mind-heart system and to make decisions that feel really good to you, without worrying or second guessing... We invite you to JOIN US in this content-rich, experiential workshop... Sacred Geometric Light Emanations - 1 ![]() Coming in 2019 in an Online Course Format... Learn how these intelligent light frequencies (Divine Emanations) and geometries intercommunicate with our energy systems to create quantum shifts. Become fluent in the universal language of creation and invoke Sacred Geometric Light Emanations (SGLE's) to transform complex, pervasive, and/or interconnected life issues with single treatments. Sacred Geometric Light Emanations support transformation and enhance awakening by working in the morphogenic field to help the biology chose which DNA programs to 'turn on', thereby directing the evolutionary process at the cellular level. Learning to utilize this advanced spiritual technology and create custom SGLE's for your greatest unfolding will forever change your life for the better!!!
(Prerequisite - Pendulum Testing Level I. AUM Octave 1 is Suggested) If you're new to SGLE, here's a brief audio describing this amazing psycho-spiritual technology (also click on the free gift on our Welcome Page for a lived SGLE experience!): |
Embody Bliss: Authentic Movements™ with Lumenaria: Next Series Begins August 20th - 6:30-9:30pm.
5-class series with Lumenaria held Tuesdays Larkspur, CA at the Awaken Unity Temple: 8-20, 8-27, 9-10, 9-17, & 9-24 Contact Lumenaria to register or use the link below. See flyer below for more details. Hope to see you there!!
Also coming in late Summer 2019 - Online Course Series using Zoom technology. Contact Lumenaria for more details. NOTE: Embody Bliss: Authentic Movements™ is an ongoing series of five classes each session, so if you can’t join us this time, plan on catching the next session! For more information, please go to the Embody Your Bliss website.
Empowerment Darshan™: with Lumenaria Next Darshan is TBA - In-Person & via Live Interactive Video Online! During Empowerment Darshan™, powerful energetic transmissions occur in the form of group lecture, discussion, and healing sessions that address issues relevant to all (i.e., Life as our teacher, transforming Self-minimizing patterns, relationships as paths to enlightenment, living authentically, etc.). Each session is aimed at empowering more soul-directed, grace-filled living. Lumenaria will often provide a space for spiritual questions that guide mini-teachings and healing. Great for ‘beginners’ and more ‘seasoned’ aspirants alike. Held at Awaken Unity in Larkspur, CA and across the globe on Zoom. See flyer below for more details. Early registration discount!
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