Here's What Some Clients Are Saying About Their Experience of AUM Services...
"Just remember that mere words are not adequate to express the depth and breadth of the work Lumenaria does. With that said, I will try. First, Lumenaria, has so many tools and talents, unlike anyone I have worked with, and she works on soooo many levels (energetics, multi-dimensional, supernatural, spiritual) just to name a few. She is able to provide fresh perspectives on events, feelings, relationships and reactions (past and present) occurring in our lives. That alone is worth its weight in gold. She is able to help you clearly see old family patterns, roles we take on and why with fresh understandings and solutions. With her acute senses she can assist in getting to the threads and source of your situation and un-bundle them so they no longer entangle you in thoughts and beliefs that may have served in the past but now are keeping you stuck and burdened. Along with this she makes assessable our true path in this life which is all about FREEDOM, EASE, JOY and that which allows for our greatest most authentic, divine self to emerge and shine. She is a Shaman who can lay hands on and heal. She is a medicine woman with potions and remedies that have power. She is clairvoyant! She works with and through Spirit. She believes the Universe/Divine is working to provide us with ONLY that which serves our greatest fulfillment. That is, we are NOT "bad" or making "mistakes" or "victims", maybe just not perceiving correctly, messages sent to us from Spirit. Lumenaria offers clarity to see life's challenges as opportunities for growth that teach us the way to our truest most loving selves. She is smart, funny, deep, lighthearted, loving and the kindest person I know. She heals with and through Love. She has knowledge far beyond this time and space dimension. She is a healer. Call her, ask to talk with her, she is worth EVERY penny. Her talents far exceed anyone I have ever worked with. Now take the next step and give yourself the gifts she has to offer you, YOU DESERVE THEM!!
– Scottie Scott, San Rafael, CA (August 2012)
“I was raised with an awareness of spirituality in my life, so I resonated well with this process. It’s personalized, relevant to who I am and what my needs are without any sort of scripted-out feel to it. I’ve seen a lot of different types of practitioners but working with Mary has brought about the most dramatic, positive changes I’ve ever experienced. It is, by far, the most powerful process I’ve come across. All of my relationships have improved, I’m making more money, and I’m happier. I think it’s because I have a better understanding of who I am and who I really want to be. I’m making more supportive choices in my life, and am better about accepting myself. I’ve learned to pay more attention to the synchronicities and subtle messages in my life. This allows more flow in my life, more understanding, and more power to choose a life right for me.
-Andrea Smith, Fairfax, CA
“At a time when I am in the midst of ending a 12-year partnership and in a state of grief and despair, Lumenaria precisely identifies that which is calling to be healed within me. Her laser perceptions take me into awareness and healing. Her commitment to my accessing my deepest wisdom and healing from that place creates miracles. Miracles that come in the form of my transformed attitude and positive, productive actions. The healing of my grief and unbundling of decades of limiting perceptions relating to my ability to take care of myself are collapsing. Thanks to Lumenaria, her tremendous wisdom, insight and guidance, I am rebuilding my life. I am en route to living my Soul-directed life, I now know and feel it coming into being.”
– Raven Nalika Rose, Los Angeles, CA (December 2009)
"All the work I do on those little blind spots in my life get handed down to my kids. The more I transform those places in me where I question myself, feel guilty, feel under-confident, off-center, or angry, the more whole I become...which is obviously good for my kids. I see my personal healing work as one of the greatest gifts I can offer my family." - EO
"This work with Mary has in all ways have validated, uplifted, and developed a sense of accomplishment in me. It also gave witness to the things I say of a spiritual nature that just never seemed to have a place in regular therapy. The traditional counselors I've seen (who were smart and caring professionals) just didn't have words for some of my experiences. How amazing to have traditional and metaphysical concepts blended from such a grounded place... Now I have more coping strategies, more energy, and I am WAY more peaceful & relaxed. My job issues have melted away, I've released big relationship baggage, and I leave sessions feeling hopeful and empowered." -LS
“My entire life I've been seeking help for personal growth. Not because my life was horrible or I suffered terrible traumas, but because I truly believe in constant change, expansion and growth. My search lead me to Lumenaria eleven years ago. From the moment I met her, I knew that she was the guide I needed, not only because of her amazing intuitive skills, her very advanced knowledge in psychology and the healing arts, and her compassionate and supportive style, but also because she is in constant growth and evolution, continuously learning, improving and evolving. Lumenaria has been the guide who walks the path before me, smoothing it, clearing it, understanding it, so my journey can be less tumultuous and I can learn my life lessons with ease. At times, when I have doubted everything and everyone, including myself, she has gently reminded me of my true nature and light and has helped me see beyond my defenses and veils. My life has improved so much since Lumenaria has been in it. I can take what I learn with her and pave the road for others to come after me. What a blessing is to have her as a model, mentor, counselor and guide!
– Nancy De Andrade, Ph.D., San Diego, CA (March 2010)
"Working with Dr. Lumenaria Goyer in individual sessions has been a profound vehicle for transformation in my life on endless levels around a myriad of issues. I have experienced THOROUGH and JOYOUS HEALING and change around physical issues such as asthma and my relationship to food and nutrition, as well as profound and far reaching patterns related to healthy relationships, truly loving myself, and bringing a child into the world when I was once told this would not be possible!"
– Shannon Dooley, M.A., Flagstaff, AZ
“My husband and I found out I was pregnant again after 30 months of trying. To say we were overjoyed is an understatement. I was about 11 weeks along, and we were in California on vacation with our youngest son Gavin when I noticed some spotting. We immediately went to the Emergency room, and they told us that we were having twins and we were losing them both. We were in shock about the twins part and completely devastated over losing them both. The Doctor said there was nothing that could be done, and told me to visit my doctor when we arrived back home. My husband had gone to high school with Lumenaria and she was living in San Diego so we decided to stop by for a visit. We told her what was happening and she asked if she could put her hands by my stomach. I can’t exactly explain what happened next, but there was an energy of some sort. I felt a warming sensation on my stomach, but she wasn’t even touching it! Her hands were just above my womb. I thanked her for her kind words. Upon returning home, I visited my doctor and he confirmed that there were definitely twins by looking at the previous doctor’s scans, but miraculously I had only lost one! How was that possible when they were in the same sack? I believe without a doubt that God worked through Lumenaria with the amazing energy and warmth I felt from her hands. Our son Thor is now 15, and has the best of both of the twins. We are truly blessed, and thank Lumenaria for her miraculous gifts.”
– Amy & Mike Hungerford - Phoenix, Arizona
"The process of Embody Bliss: Authentic Movements™ is highly creative, intensely beautiful and deeply transformative. Lumenaria holds the most impeccable space for each woman to uniquely uncover her own truth."
– Mary L., San Diego, CA
"Lumenaria's EBAM classes have been life-changing. I feel so privileged to have discovered two extraordinary teachers through this work -- first, my own body, a temple housing the most profound wisdom; and second, Lumenaria, an exquisite guide in the unlocking of that wisdom. There is so much to discover in this loving, pleasurable, movement that is our bodies' native expression. It is truly a sacrament and a delight." – Carolyn Hinman, San Francisco, CA
"I'm always amazed by what I find in and about myself during these sessions and how gracefully my insights translate back into my everyday life. This profound work is such a gift, and coming from someone who enjoys experimenting with a lot of different healing/connection techniques, that's saying a great deal. Lumenaria is exceptional at creating safe and sacred spaces where mystical, transformational, blissful events commence! I wish I could offer this to all the women in my life."
– Mary Goyer, M.S.
"For me, Embody Bliss: Authentic Movements™ is about allowing and opening, not directing, forcing or concentrating hard. It has taught me to trust my intuition. It’s about practicing the art of trusting that whatever comes up is for my highest good and will come forward with ease. This is the space I want to be continually operating from and the practice of EBAM brings me closer. It's the space of so much more joy for me. EBAM helps me to tune into my body and attune my listening. I've become more aware of my own needs instead of my spouse's, clients, friends, etc. It brings me closer to my mystical self. It's a real body- mind-emotional experience that proves there is something so much greater than the physical me. It's an experience of abundant joy, peace, love and deep, deep wisdom. – Alison Johnson, San Diego, CA
"I was a little skeptical about the Embody Bliss: Authentic Movements™ series, only because I had never done anything like it before. Lumenaria was very supportive and understanding and gently guided me to explore my fears and to understand the wisdom my body holds. EBAM allowed me to connect with my intuition in a way that calmed my mind and filled my soul. It was a fun, relaxing, and energy-filling experience. I followed my body's subtle movements, allowing my soul to be the guide and not my brain. It felt as if I was a rag doll pulled by strings that had no agenda but just to BE. I've tried meditating before and my mind keeps interrupting and distracting. With EBAM I could focus my mind instead on the subtle and gentle movements of my body and allow my soul to express my divinity. Experiencing EBAM with Lumenaria was a rejuvenating, sacred experience that I'm looking forward enjoying again."
– Nancy De Andrade, Ph.D., San Diego, CA
"All I can say is…WOW! At the end of the weekend, I experienced a huge shift. Not only did I return home with a renewed sense of strength, energy, and vitality for life, but my heart was expanded with greater love. I am so grateful to Lumenaria for holding such a loving, safe, and sacred space for me to blossom more fully into my potential!"
– Karen Mehringer, M.A., Santa Cruz, CA
“Throughout the retreat, I was feeling fully alive, physically experiencing the wonder and magic of my magnificence (not in my head/brain) but in my body. I experienced deep deep love and mystery coming through my body, and being so full of tenderness...then power. I felt expansion into my own self-awareness, feeling GOD inside and outside. I was loving myself inner beauty on all levels; experiencing my own divinity and, a deepening of my own intuition and knowingness. Lumenaria created a cocoon environment of safety, acceptance, reverence and respect in our circle of women. She made each person feel so special. She was tuned into the group’s rhythms and comfort. She created an easy pace that gave us a feeling of timelessness."
– Alison Johnson, San Diego, CA
“Giving birth naturally wasn’t exactly easy, but instead of being traumatically hard, the challenge was confidence-building. I began drawing from my well of confidence immediately, and it propelled me through many learning curves. I’m not special; I just learned what was possible. I’ve had a phenomenal experience and I truly wish all women could feel what I felt during birth and thereafter!”
– Sarah Moore, Phoenix, AZ
"My husband and I were having difficulty getting pregnant but when our doctor recommended an invasive (and painful) medical procedure, we decided to try Holistic Fertility sessions with Mary first. We uncovered fears we had no idea were there (about giving birth, becoming parents, money, you name it) and proceeded to do the work because we had nothing to lose... plus something told me it would be good to work this stuff out anyway. Well, before we even tried to try again, I got pregnant! So I chose to follow through on the birthing portion of the program, and I went on to have a beyond-amazing birth experience. I was given all sorts of tools to stay in my zone, I was constantly dialoguing with my baby through our own special connection, it all felt easier than I anticipated, and I cannot imagine trying to do it any other way." -J.W.
"I have participated in trainings with Lumenaria Goyer, Ph.D., and Mary Goyer, M.S., around pendulum testing and Sacred Geometric Light Emanations (SGLE). These became powerful tools I can employ now in my own practice with clients and in my daily decision making and healing. My husband and I are able to use pendulum testing on anything from discerning guidance for our daughter, to what car to buy, to where to go to dinner! SGLE has also brought incredible light and healing on issues ranging from fear and obsessive thoughts to larger global treatments for universal well being and peace. I highly recommend their teachings and workshops not just for their results, but for the compassionate and loving manner in which they are given."
- Shannon Arnett, M.A., Flagstaff, AZ
"This class with Mary was very engaging, information-packed, and motivating. Great teacher. Very supportive and encouraging; explained and taught exceptionally. –GP
"Being in the presence of Lumenaria was a healing experience in itself. The teachings and meditations were phenomenal and relevant to my current life circumstances and propelled me forward on my spiritual awakening journey. I am so grateful to her!"
- Karen, Santa Cruz, CA
"I felt so much gratitude during Darshan; it was so powerful! Beautiful location! Lovely people! Exquisite energetics! I came in feeling sleep deprived and left feeling energized, harmonized and aligned to my highest authentic self. I entered Darshan not knowing what to expect, what was coming. I left feeling calm, happy, renewed, grateful, energized with new dimensions and dynamics of self, and aligned with Universal Soul. I am overflowing with gratitude to receive teachings, energetics, love and light offered by Lumenaria, shimmering with her love, her light, her benevolence as she ignites the open heartedness, the love, the light and the benevolence of everyone in her presence. Such a powerful experience to witness the awakenings and glow of one open and unfold to the magnificence of our own individual light. A light that harmonizes, bringing out the full spectrum of light emanating from within. This was a beautiful, deep, enriching experience that lingers, that is internalized and carried forth into the world. I felt my entire ancestral line being touched and enhanced by the energetics activated during and after attending Lumenaria's Empowerment Darshan."
- Louise Scott, San Rafael, CA
” I felt really light and open. Uplifted and yet fully grounded. I can absolutely see the "work" being done. I've actually had an extremely challenging weekend & week since the Empowerment Darshan with my relationship. And yet, my experience is that even inside of massive conflict I'm able to still stand strong in myself and stay connected to the fulfillment that's here and also that lies ahead. It was expansive and fun connecting with the circle, sharing the synchronicities, and being affirmed in some of what I'm experiencing as everything shifts around me, as the world changes and time seems to be a fluid thing.”
- Michelle Lyn, San Rafael, CA